Tools Directory: Daptin

About Daptin

Daptin is an open-source backend development framework to develop and deploy production-ready JSONAPI microservices. With Daptin you can design your data model and have a production ready JSON API online in minutes.

By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application.

The framework integrates with cloud servers and is compatible with existing libraries and tools like and OAuth2. Daptin comes as a native binary and a Docker-based runtime which can be deployed to any server or cloud.

The framework provides powerful abstractions and building blocks to develop flexible, scalable JSON Rest backends:

  • Daptin database to easily evolves your data schema & migrates your database [Postgres/MySQL/SQLite]
  • Flexible auth using the JWT-based authentication & permission system
  • Realtime API using Websocket subscriptions
  • Works with all frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, Angular (Quickstart Examples)