Tools Directory: AWS Amplify Console

About AWS Amplify Console

The AWS Amplify Console is a continuous deployment and hosting service for mobile web applications. The AWS Amplify Console makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of simultaneously updating the frontend and backend of your applications.

Modern mobile web applications functionality is often spread across frontend code running in the browser and backend business logic running in the cloud. This makes application deployment complex and time consuming as you need to carefully coordinate deployments using a variety of tools to ensure your frontend and backend are compatible.

The Amplify Console accelerates your application release cycle minimizing downtime. You just connect Amplify to your code repository and your frontend and backend are deployed in a single workflow on every code commit. This ensures your web application is only updated once the deployment is successfully completed, eliminating inconsistencies between your application frontend and backend.

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