Code of Conduct

These policies apply to all the New Dynamic/JAMstack.NYC “spaces”, which include: events, the Meetup group, the mailing list, the Slack community, and all other forms of communication related to the group. If someone is violating any of these policies or you feel uncomfortable in the group in any way, please let one of the organizers know.


  • Diversity and inclusion make our community strong. We encourage participation from the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible and want to be very clear about where we stand. Anyone is welcome, and everyone should feel welcome.
  • Our goal is to maintain a safe, helpful and friendly community for everyone, regardless of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other defining characteristic.
  • Our community includes people who work at vendors as well consumers of their products. Vendors, you are welcome to promote your products, but if you do, please be active members of our community and do not merely promote your product.
  • Likewise, vendors are not here merely for support. Questions of a support nature can be posted, but please do not reach out to members directly, expecting support.
  • Approach your interactions with thoughtfulness and care. Recognize the myriad differences between yourself and others, and that you may not view the world through the same lens. Do not dismiss someone because they have a different level of experience, are of a different background, or have a difference of opinion. Be kind to others.
  • Do not presume anything you say here will remain private, so act accordingly. Protect IP and legally-protected information.

Code of Conduct

the New Dynamic/JAMstack.NYC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, both online and off. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. No weapons or illegal drugs of any kind are allowed at our events. Participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled at the discretion of the organizers.

Unacceptable Behavior

  • Conduct or speech which might be considered sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory or offensive in nature.
    • Do not use unwelcome, suggestive, derogatory or inappropriate nicknames or terms.
    • Do not show disrespect towards others. (Jokes, innuendo, dismissive attitudes.)
  • Intimidation or harassment (online or in-person). Please read the Citizen Code of Conduct for how we interpret harassment.
  • Disrespect towards differences of opinion.
  • Inappropriate attention or contact. Be aware of how your actions affect others. If it makes someone uncomfortable, stop.
  • Not understanding the differences between constructive criticism and disparagement.
  • Sustained disruptions.
  • Violence, threats of violence or violent language.

Should you catch yourself behaving disrespectfully, or be confronted as such, listen intently, own up to your words and actions, and apologize accordingly.

If the administrators determine that someone is behaving disrespectfully, the administrators may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion and exclusion from the Team.

Portions of this Code of Conduct were adapted from

Write/Speak/Code, Hacker Hours Policies, JAMstack_conf, Go Make Things Slack Guidelines, and the Slack Developer Community Code of Conduct.